Thursday, October 23, 2008

How the crash has affected things

So a lot of time has passed since my last post. I have no excuse except that I've been working my butt off, seven days a week, night and day since there is so much to do at SA. The market crash has been a boon for our traffic- we've been breaking records every day and easily get over a million hits daily. It's really created a fury of extra work for us all. But at the same tie, our only source of revenue are ad sales which, like every company, has taken a hit. Especially since most of our adverisers are financially related. So everyone is trying to help out in any way we can- being careful not to leave computers on overnight, using a little less light, leaving the water running a little less, etc. It's a shame since the people here really work hard. Especially our tech team. I'm often the last one to leave, but when I'm not, it's always someone from the tech team who is still here, or the ENTIRE tech team. There's been days that they haven't left till the wee hours of the morning. It's very impressive and I have great respect for them. Of course the ones who are married probably get a lot of flack for it back home. Regardless, I have no doubt that once the current situation eventually passes, the company will only be stronger.